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Our Past


Preserving our past... fostering our future


Arnold, Maryland was first settled by John Arnold

Arnold is in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, just outside the Annapolis metro area, located on the scenic Broadneck peninsula and nestled between the Severn and Magothy Rivers.


Arnold contains many scenic riversides with cliffs and beaches, providing plenty of places for leisure and sightseeing. There are 12 marinas, that support one of the most active sailing communities in the country. There are several beautiful parks and open woodlands that include open ball fields for sporting, playgrounds, several bike and jogging trails for a variety of recreational activities. Arnold is home to Maryland's State Tree and home to one of the top community colleges in the country.  


 This mostly middle-class family-friendly community is home to many Naval Academy graduates, computer technology employees, government officials, and military families with just over 8,000 households; 40% of homes have children under the age of 18 living with them and just over 63% being married couples. The average household size was 2.76 and the average family size was 3.15.
Arnold's history has been detailed in a book by Alberta Stornetta, "Arnold Maryland and Neighbors on the Broadneck." 

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