Arnold Preservation Council is inviting you our APC Annual Meeting on Jan 15, 2025 at 07:30 PM
Just in case to copy into browser - Meeting ID: 818 5271 7087 Passcode: 976856

Arnold is in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, just outside the Annapolis metro area, located on the scenic Broadneck peninsula and nestled between the Severn and Magothy Rivers.
Arnold contains many scenic riversides with cliffs and beaches, providing plenty of places for leisure and sightseeing. There are 12 marinas, that support one of the most active sailing communities in the country. There are several beautiful parks and open woodlands that include open ball fields for sporting, playgrounds, several bike and jogging trails for a variety of recreational activities. Arnold is home to Maryland's State Tree and home to one of the top community colleges in the country.

Arnold Preservation Council was first established in 1999. APC is an all volunteer council representing over 10,000 households on the Broadneck Peninsula.
Is to unite the people of Arnold, preserve its rural heritage and enhance its environment by advocating responsible growth, linked neighborhoods, local businesses and excellent schools.

Isa tax exempt organization under 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are deductible under section 170 of the IRS code.

John Arnold was a veteran of the War of 1812 who began a farm on 300 acres he acquired on the north side of the Severn River. From its beginning, Arnold MD has been deeply rooted in the independent principles of rural lifestyle: farming, freedom, friendship and faith.
Local historian, Alberta Stornetta, compiled a series of articles originally published in Anne Arundel County History Notes, the quarterly publication of the Anne Arundel County Historical Society and published a book on the history of Arnold: Arnold, Maryland and Neighbors on the Broadneck.